Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sick of Internet Trolls Whining about 'Censorship'

On the news today, there was a story about hate speech made against Muslims on the Western Standard web site but the Human Rights commission here isn't doing anything about it because they claim the internet is federally regulated, and this was a site in a western Canadian city. Bull! If they won't do anything over such a piddly technicality and someone feels threatened because some stupid hater wants them to die - and this hater living in the same city as them - what good is this human rights organization at all? The net isn't federally regulated, it isn't regulated at all, really. Go federal, and you'll surely get told that this is a municipal problem, take it up with the site owner. Or worse, you might be told to go fly a kite and get over it, because as the owner sees fit to leave the hate speech up on their site, it's their site, and they have a right to put whatever they want on it regardless of who feels threatened or gets offended, no matter how egregious the hate blither is.
Every time somebody behaves badly and shoots off their disgusting mouth, saying things that are incredibly stupid and hateful, scores of people rally to defend these blockheads to the hilt, but when haters say anything against a religious group or race, we are told they must be allowed to exercise their "right to free speech" bull shart! It's not free speech any more, it's ABUSE of the freedom of speech! And it's way past high time people yanked these sorry, hateful trolls off the internet altogether or at the very least, make them take the burning heat for their foul mouthed, disgusting attitudes. Only idiot trolls whine so much about "censorship" and "You're taking away my right to free speech! Waaaaaahhh!" because it's a way they know they can bully people into knuckling under and letting them get away with wishing Muslims would die or wishing Jews, Christians, etc. would die, and calling people "scum" just because they are of a different religion or ethnicity from them.
It's time those with any clout on the net got some guts, to do something about these haters and tell them in no uncertain terms to shut the flying hecx up!

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