Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Some Myspace Users Who Do Not Like Chain Letters - Fancy That! Hehe!


? Zi ?
Gender: Female
Status: Divorced
Age: 34
Sign: Taurus

State: Ohio
Country: US

Signup Date:



I liked chain letters when I was about 10 years old. Get a chain letter in
the mail and send it to 5 of your friends and watch it all go and come
around again. That's when I was about 10 years old.

Then we all got older and it seemed to have disappeared. I don't know if
chain letters actually disappeared or if we were just too old to care

The first time I got a chain letter text message on my cell phone, I thought
the sender was a total do-do head. Maybe it was just something unusual. Then
I started getting them from different people, both male and female. I'm glad
that I pay for a text message bundle and I don't have to pay for message
after message, message after message. Um, please, stop sending this stuff to
me. It only makes me wonder why my so-called friends do this stuff!!!

E-mail text messages, too. Here, I'm thinking that I have a letter from a
dear friend and its B.S! I appreciate some people thinking of me. Oh, wait,
they are not thinking of me or wishing me good luck or health and happiness.
They are running out of people to send the chain letter to!

MySpace chain letter bulletins! Here we go again. "Re-post this bulletin
again to wish love on the world or to show God your love." Sometimes I will
re-post it for someone if they are a friend.

What's shocking to me is the number of guys who do this. If I'm thinking its
annoying or childlike for women to do, I cannot understand why a guy would
do it!

on this? If you agree, copy this blog and send it to ALL your MySpace
friends or put in it a bulletin. Don't forget to send it through e-mail.
Next send it through text messages. Then get addresses out of the phone book
and send it to everyone through the mail until you have spent your life
savings on paper, ink, envelopes and stamps!

I was just kidding about that, if you didn't know it.

1:20 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos
* * *

-Well, I don't have a Myspace account, so I'll kudo this person here
instead. Great post! I also liked these entries.

Don't tell it all-do you want a stalker??

If you are someone who reads my profile alot, you know that I put my
interests up and take 'em out and put 'em up. I'm taking them down again.
MySpace is not a personals site and I feel like its a personals site when I
display all that info about me. I know MySpace is supposed to be for
networking. Am I gonna really get a new friend because we both like "The Two
Coreys" or we both listen to Robin Thicke? I don't think so. A fansite may
be used more for something like that. And definately a profile advertising a
business. I am not trying to advertise my self. I've had a wonderful time on
MySpace getting in touch with old friends and associates. I do enjoy the
entertainment of MySpace and seeing how different people did thier profiles.

I've also written about the dangers, large and small, about telling all of
our business on MySpace. Small dangers like someone pretending to know you
by telling you about yourself by getting the info off of your page. Large
dangers such as someone knowing your name, location, family, etc , etc. I
have to be careful about that, too.

8:57 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos

Time to filter out friends again

I've filtered out my MySpace friends before based on the R-rated contents on
their profile, their R or X-rated profile pix, and just to clean out the
friends. (I've been past that "OOh, I want to have a big number of friends
on here" for a while.) Now I'm filtering out for my own benefit. I'm tired
of seeing Bulletins like "Ni@@as in the House" or "How to eat p*ssy right",
"Why women are b*tches" etc, etc. If a person has over 40 friends on here,
they probably won't even know-and if they are not my friend in real life,
I'm sure they don't care.

2:09 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos
* * *


There is another Myspace blogger who's as sick of chain letters as the
person above and as I am. But I can't post her entry as she wrote it
exactly, neither do I want to just point anyone to her site, because,
erm...Well - because of some lingo problems, and I had other additional
ideas and it just needed a bit of touching up IMO.

If you want to read it the way she originally wrote it, go ahead, it's at


But be forewarned, you may not like it as much as the edited one below.


with some edits, additions and modifications by yours truly

KRISTA's myspace info:
Gender: Female
Status: Married
Age: 31
Sign: Capricorn

State: Minnesota
Country: US

Signup Date:

Monday, August 27, 2007

Email forwards

Ok, first I have to admit that there was a time, probably a good 10 years
ago, when I was pretty "e-gullible," if you will, and I believed the warning
emails I received, and I passed them along to my friends and family, out of
genuine concern no doubt.

It took ONE response from someone saying, basically, umm, yeah, tardo...
this is a hoax - check it out.... to get me to stop forwarding those damn

So WHY is it that there are a few people who just can't stop? I swear that
if someone sent them the following, they'd forward it:


Whatever city you live in, there is a guy there named Chuck who likes to
flash headlights and slash at people's ankles with an axe. He has been
targeting women with extremely huge butts, thin lips, skinny limbs, and
greasy, matted, dandruff-laden hair. He puts razor blades in their food and
arsenic in their beverages, and he goes online and tries to lure their
daughters into underage cybersex, and he has poison perfume samples, tapes
of babies crying, and terrible BO because he doesn't use cancer-causing
de-odorant! He likes to microwave plastic, which we all know causes cancer
as well, and he would like your money for Katrina and 911 victims, and he is
working with the terrorists and the Mexicans (who we think are in cahoots
anyway), and he could be hiding in the back seat of your car right now,
waiting to slash your ankles and snatch your daughter or niece or any
under-age girl who gets into the car with you, and this would never have
happened if only our children were allowed to pray in school, and you had
passed on every single good-luck friendship chain letter you ever received,
to every single email address you ever heard of!

AN ENORMOUS butt, thin lips, skinny limbs, and that you never wash your

P.S.: God bless America!!!!!!

For the love of all things good, please don't send on this stuff to anybody.

And when I repeatedly reply back to you and everyone else you forwarded it
to saying "this is a hoax," don't get mad at me because you are a moron and
can't figure out that John's Hopkins University would not publish a cancer
study (with several misspelled words) in the form of a chain email.

Don't get hot under the collar when I use the "reply-all" function in my
email to debunk a hoax that was sent to me by someone who put you, me, and
everybody else under the sun in their list of email address for passing on
junk to. I didn't get your address by myself, nor was I the one stupid
enough to pass on the chain letter to you in the first place! Want to get
mad at somebody for exposing your precious address to the whole world in the
Cc field, yell at the idiot who sent the chain letter to both of us in the
first place!

Do not send me this shart at work after insisting you need my work email "in
case of emergencies."

Do not forward anything race or religion related. I'm not in the least
paranoid about different races taking over my country and have no tolerance
for people who are!

I know that God does not work through the disreputable means of spam, which
chain email is part. I'm sure some religious hoaxes and chain email rants
are actually originated by anti-Christian twits who just want to see if they
can fool and manipulate religious people into passing on their dreck!!

I know that just because something claims to be from God, doesn't make it
so. Chain email does not come from god, nor is it any substitute or even a
good way of showing what a good friend you are and how much you apparently
care about me!

Don't pass around fake petitions claiming that our children are in danger if
I don't type my name at the bottom of this email and forward it to everyone
I know.

Please don't send stuff about "baby killers" or about marriage being "in
danger" in email forwards.

Please don't send forwards telling me that there will be no social security
left for me because of those blasted Mexicans or whatever race of the month
is currently prey to the racial paranoid chain emails going around.

Please don't send emails with pictures that don't load.... or with pictures
that do (unless they are pictures you actually took).

Quit forwarding videos of some stupid kid putting maxi pads all over
himself, which I think could possibly be construed as child porn.

Stop forwarding stupid quotes supposedly from famous people. 50% are bogus
or misquoted anyway.

Stop passing on lists of supposed facts and trivia. They are often not facts
at all and a trip over to any hoax debunking site can debunk a good lot of

Stop sending these annoying "Getting to know you" surveys that asks an
endless number of pointless, meaningless questions such as what color my
kitchen dishes are and if I like croutons or bacon bits on my salad. (I
don't even like salad.) Those things are so long and time consuming, and the
questions differ just a bit with every time these surveys come around, I'm
sick of getting them, nor could I remember all of my friends' answers to
those pointless questions let alone care to fill out the infernal thing as
well, only to get another one almost like it a week later!

Don't send me joke forwards! I know they are still chain email, especially
after getting the same stupid jokes in my email from different sources
twenty times within the last ten years! There are plenty of humor sites
where all the forwarded jokes are archived! If you like them, go there and
have fun, but please, don't circulate more copies of it all over the net.

Don't send the chain letter that offers excuses for sending chain email!
I.E. "I care about you. So, I forward jokes. Now, if you care about your
friends, please pass this on to let them know, and next time you get a joke
in your email, please please please know someone cares very very very deeply
for you! Pass this on and share the caring!"

Stop forwarding any religious whining chain email that tells me Christianity
is in danger and I can save it and be a better Christian and show everybody
else what a good Christian I am by passing on the chain and spamming
everyone with copies of the forward all over the net! I'll scream especially
loud if you send me one that whinges on about how joke emails are being
forwarded many times more than religious chain email because everybody's
afraid to admit to believing in God! I've been on the internet for years. I
can recognize a chain letter manipulation when I see it, and in my
experience, I've received just as many religious chain email forwards as

Stop passing on glurge chain email in any form, from stories to make me cry
to poems or sayings about "mom stuff" or "friendship" "I've learned" "I
believe" "A simple friend VS a true friend" "the virtues of a hug" "the
virtues of a smile" "Friendship is like" "Love is like" "If I could catch a
rainbow for you" "Internet ten commandments" "Email prayer of kids" "The
darndest things kids say" "Kids on love" "Kids on the Bible" "How good it is
to be a woman" or anything like that in a forward. If it's a chain letter
forward, it's been around the net and back a million times or it will be
soon, and it's phony!


Please remember that when you're tempted to send sayings and quotes about
"God" and "His glory." in chain email forwards!

If you want to send me religious content, you're welcome to if it comes from
your own heart, in your own words, or from anywhere BUT chain email
forwards - provided you know it's something I'm already inclined to agree

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