Monday, September 17, 2007

Not Cool!


-Not cool. The name 'Cedric' shouldn't appear anywhere in any part of a
spammer's identity.

From: "Robert Bravo"
Reply-To: "Robert Bravo"

-Robert Bravo? Robber Boo-Hiss more likely! Definitely not, not, not, NOT COOL
forging my address!!!

Subject: Make a gift for your wife

-I'm a girl, you idiot!

At Our Store, we specialize in the sales of
brand name quality look alike timepieces,

(Snip rest of advertising babble)

-Dude: if you think I'm going to promote your cruddy web site and buy phony
status watches at your cruddy store after you forged my address, you need your
head examined - with an application of a combo of itching and sneezing powder!

Thank you,

-You forged my address. You're not welcome!

Amr Mapara

-Huh? But I thought you said your name was Robert Bravo?

Click to be removed. You will be removed within 6 8 Hours


-Buh-bye Robert Amr Mapara Boo-Hiss!


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