Monday, August 13, 2007

Celia White @ Bodyinblack - Get the Picture?

From: "Celia White"

-Hello Celia White.

Subject: You look great

-You're emailing me because you want me to know you think
looks great? Is there a reason I should care?

Exclusive copy watches

-No thanks, not interested in your fake watches or your crummy site.

'Oh, that wasn't our idea,' Susan says. 'That's the name she came with. It'
s terribly precious, isn't itI call her Sourpuss behind her back. Which is
probably as bad.'
Shortly after, he fell in love with Susan, whom he'd known since childhood
- as though he'd opened his eyes and discovered her there, he said - and the
honeymoon began. Now he is laughing, his hair lit up from behind like a
dandelion clock by the light from the landing window, and I still don't know
if he's joking.
'Who's in the house now?' I say, wanting to know who she'd called to when I
rang the bell. It must be someone who knows my name, I think, and I am
curious, even shy. I expected Joey to be here. Susan smiles, licking a
to dab up crumbs from her skirt, then reaches down beneath the table. She
makes a crooning noise until a cat I have never seen moves warily in her
'By the way, Simon,' Joey says, turning to look down at me from the upper
landing, 'be careful to close the door when you go to bed tonight.'
I suppose Susan was talking to the cat. I try to stroke behind the animal's
ears, the scruff of her neck, but she pulls away, and I feel a wave of
hostility that jars with the mood of the house. When she turns her head to
stare, I notice her eyes.

-So...Susan has crumbs on her skirt, and a wary cat named Simon who she
calls Sourpuss, and her childhood sweetheart married her and took her on a
honeymoon, and he has hair that lights up like a dandelion clock. The
narrator of this missive is not sure if he's joking, but is curious and even
shy? And someone comes to the house and rings the doorbell who knows Susan's
or is that Joey's name? Oh wait, it's Celia's name the ringer's supposed to
recognize! Right.



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