Saturday, August 25, 2007

Chat Room Idiots! Argh!

Warning: long, frustrated rant ahead.

This morning, I was chatting with a friend and some other people in an audio
chat room. And believe it or not, the fact it's audio doesn't always prevent
misunderstandings or people from acting like idiots.

Cases in point, this morning when we were talking about our pets.

First of all, there was one joker in there, who everybody knows is a cronic
joker, everything out of his mouth is a flipping wisecrack or attempt at
being witty or funny, and sometimes he's funny, sometimes he's not.

Someone on the site was saying how they love animals, which IMO is it
necessary to say if people already know you have pets? She's a bit of an ar
anyway, so I don't like getting into too many discussions with her about it.
Anyway, she said that, and this joker guy said "I love animals too, pork,
chicken" you get the idea.

Sorry, but I've heard that kind of thing from him before, and from others on
the net in different forums when they deliberately tried to joke and tick
off the ars all at the same time. I'm just tired of it, and I do
differentiate between food animals and those that are my pets. We weren't
talking about food anyway, we were talking about pets and their different
behavior etc.

No one really laughed at his joke, but he cracked so many while online that
he was bound to get groans, laughs, or jibes back, IMO, it just looks like
attention-seeking and gets tiresome after a while. But this joker wasn't the
problem in the room.

There were a couple of others there who treat their joking like some kind of
daggon religion, and they don't even attempt to let you know they are
getting what you're really saying when you want to say something that isn't
just another unfunny wisecrack to add to their own.

Such was the case of this guy when he recited this really stale joke along
with the declaration that people didn't own their cats, cats owned them.

Of course, that is animal welfare/rights extremist speak, and when a stupid
stale joke is added, that makes communicating with such a person even more
painful. The joke was that dogs have masters and cats have staff. I've seen
that along with the joke about the dog thinking his owners were gods VS the
cat thinking he was a god more times than I'd like to count. I was anything
but impressed with those half-baked jokes the first time, and I continue to
get sicker of them every time they crop up anywhere.

Like sheesh, people. Cats and dogs don't have any concept of religion, and
they don't feel any differently toward their owners just because they are
different species. Cats and dogs want food, a place to stay, somebody to
play with, and they can be equally demanding on their owners. Just because
cats tend to have a more independent nature than dogs and some might want
something other than what their owner is giving them at the time, doesn't
mean cats are elitist and that they own their humans, or that dogs are any
more loyal and actually view their humans as more masters than cats do.

I pointed it out to this guy that technically your animals don't own you, in
other words, I was trying to make a point that no matter what kind of animal
it is, it's still an animal and if it's yours, then you own it.

I was trying to explain that to this guy, but he just refused to acknowledge
any attempt at trying to understand where I was coming from. He babbled on,
getting perturbed at me for pointing out that cats and dogs really weren't
all that different when it came to making demands on their owners, and that
they didn't own us.

But my friend was still in the room, so I didn't want to just clear out.

The guy then made the idiotic statement that technically he was the boss of
his house, but it was really his wife who was the boss.

Like what the hell!? This was about pets VS. humans, not husbands VS wives,
now he was joking and trying to blurr the line between what a pet is and
what a wife is!? *Gags and rolling eyes!* and if he was still trying to
joke, I wasn't laughing, and for gosh sakes, there is a time to know when to
cut at least some of the attempts at joking long enough to really look
around to see if whoever you're talking to is still laughing or just wants
to be understood on at least some level.

I said something to the effect of "But that's your wife, not your pet." And
he said "Ohhhhh, she's my pet...I love to pet her."

Ahem - not that kind of pet, moron! And let's not go there, please!

All I said was "Well, I guess that's just you." because I couldn't think of
anything civil to say at this point, let alone anything he wouldn't just try
making a huge, unfunny wisecrack about, or take further into territory I
didn't care to venture.

Then he got all hot under the collar because he could tell I was really
getting disgusted by this point, so oh my goodness, I wasn't laughing at his
jokes! He started accusing me of being too serious, taking myself too
seriously, not having a sense of humor, please, your average internet troll
falls back on that sort of spew when their posts aren't treated like
literary masterpieces.

The other girl (not my friend) who was also in the room, ganged up on me as
well, and when he ranted about how picked on he was because he only had
grade four in school or something, and basically gave me hell for not
laughing at his stupid jokes, and that I should always joke all the time and
laugh at his wisecracks all of the time.

He's not the first to get his knickers in a knott when some joke wasn't a
big knee-slapper. I've seen people get into snits because they posted joke
chain letter forwards, and they actually got up in arms when it was pointed
out to them that the jokes were archived and discussed on hoax busting,
chain email breaking sites.

Seems the jokers take themselves and their dumb jokes way too seriously, and
if you don't like their jokes, and you'd like to stop this idiotic
wisecracking long enough to actually insert something a little more
intelligent or even just your point of view, they attack you as if not
falling off your chair laughing at their joke was some kind of huge sin and
a weakness in your character.

The guy stormed off the room in a pouty, self-pitying huff, and his friend
right after, not before she called me "Miss Perfect" and then she slammed

Both these people had to be at least in their 50s so shouldn't have behaved
so childish, especially not the woman, that was an all out name-calling she
gave me. So, unless and until she apologizes, we are officially enemies.

Jokes are fine, but not when they are all that ever comes out of somebody's
mouth. There are times when people need to look around and see if anyone's
still laughing, and stop listening to themselves joking long enough to try
to understand that someone has another point of view they want to express.
Likewise, couldn't people be considerate enough not to expect one to be
joking around all the time?

I don't have much patience for people who continually make poor attempts at
joking, like they always have to be center of attention, always trying too
hard to make people laugh, and it's amazing how many people actually laugh
and up the anti purely out of politeness so as not to offend the chronic
joker. And there is a difference between someone who jokes frequently and
really is funny, and someone who tries too hard to be funny or cute or
whatever, where absolutely everything out of their mouth is a silly crack of
some kind and most of what they say causes eyes to roll instead of a laugh,
and the wish that one hadn't stopped in to that forum or chat room.

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