Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sick of the Ban-Happy Scare-Mongering

I was outraged when there was to be a report on whether or not trampolines
should be banned because of kids breaking bones.

What in heck is this society coming to? Kids break bones in car accidents,
should we ban cars too? Kids break bones falling in the living room against
furniture, and break toes running in the house and stubbing them on the legs
of a chair or sofa, good gosh should we ban furniture and living rooms too?
People get injured and suffer broken bones skiing, maybe we should ban ski
resorts and disallow people to ski on any hill as well! Kids fall off
skateboards and have mishaps rollerblading, OMG, gotta get rid of
skateboards and rollerblades too!

Kids get hurt in the playground, woops, we should outlaw playgrounds!

People have always risked injury and gotten hurt millions of ways throughout
all of human history, and it's time to see the ultra pro-ban movements for
what they are, nothing but fear mongering, exploiting any tragic story that
they chance upon in order to further their "Let's ban this! Let's ban that!"
agendas and control and run our lives, and trying to use our children to
scare us into screwing ourselves out of our rights and freedoms to live our
own lives. All the big-brother movements can back the heck off, like
yesterday! Stop scaring us about our food, stop scaring us about our
livelyhoods, stop scaring us about our books, stop trying to ban everything
that might resemble some kind of fun and that might actually *gasp* give us
and our kids some happiness!

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